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Needed: Big Fat Carry On Travel Bag

February 6, 2009

It’s February. It’s cold. And it’s really, really ugly outside. Like, uber ugly. Like, cry me a river ugly. So, as I sit here watching Bones, (Booth got grave digged!) I’ve decided I’m going to look for a big fat carry on travel bag to take with me when I go traveling in Europe this summer. If you want to buy one of these gorgeous specimans, just click on them. Also, if you have any suggestions of extremely cute bags that can carry The Complete Jane Austen, Quite a few Fashion Mags, an iPod Touch, Lonely Planet Guides, a Change of Clothes, and other travel essentials, please, put them in the comments. I could use all the help I can get!!





One Comment leave one →
  1. February 6, 2009 9:10 pm

    Just find a cute one i really dont like any of those. Are you seriously going to europe again !! not FAIR take me plzzzz Anyway do you have anything on Princess diaries or clique on here?
    -C(person who sits next to you in Math) 🙂

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